About Stavagran- the company and the raw material
Stavagran AB was started in 2000 by Eva and Anders Stjernström. The company is located in Sikås, a village 70 km north of Östersund. The business is located in Sikås, a village.
Stavagran AB is a manufacturer of wooden poles for various purposes, for instance stockfish and tents. Extremely tight growth rings and small as well as few knots imply a strong material, which does not easily crack and does not have to be treated with chemicals. We provide ecological poles, without poison, which do not have a negative impact on animals and nature.
Our products are durable, strong and free from poison!

The raw material
Stavagran is the Jämtland word for really slow-grown spruce that has developed slowly. The spruces are suppressed and have stood densely in the stands, which gives a wood with dense annual rings and small knots. The poles therefore have high strength, which is required for the products to be functional and safe for the end users. The slow-growing spruce is not impregnated.
We select areas that are particularly suitable for sourcing materials for our products. When it comes to certain products where straightness is especially important, we mark out the trees in the forest in advance.
The raw material comes both from forests where it has been harvested manually and from areas that have been machine harvested. The sourcing area for the stavagran timber is Jämtland forests, especially in the area around Sikås.
When the wood is delivered in Sikås, it is debarked and dried. The largest volume is air-dried during the period of the year when the conditions are optimal for this. Some products are further mechanically dried.
All poles are debarked. We have different machine lines, depending on the end-product as well as finishing required by our customers.
Contact persons

Anders Stjernström
Tel: 070-3113322
E-post: anders@stavagran.com

Eva Stjernström
Tel: 070-5223973
E-post: eva@stavagran.com